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To get started:

1. Create a post, for example my dream business.

2. Create a new business plan inside post.

3. Input Timeline & Conversion, Portfolio Offer, Expences & CAPEX. Thats all!

4. Enjoy easily tuning-up EBIT Operating Profit and Expected level of Investments Required to simulate your business model.

5. Share plan with friends or investors for collaborative work

Customer to Sales

Customer conversion and portfolio offer planning will help you to find and estimate the perfect offer for your future customers, including retail price

Rump up acceleration timeline - will help you by using publicly available data - to make decisions on how much time is needed to scale up similar businesses from zero to 100% working business.

Sales Volume Planning will help you to estimate your realistic Sales Volume

PnL (Profit and Loss)

Headcount section will help you to set assumptions about a dream team for your business, specifying salaries, taxes, extra payments, as well as time-range when new employee comes in.

Fixed assets will help my customers to estimate funds required to settle initial assets and investments

Income/Expenses will help my customers to estimate gross margin and the majority of operating cost expenses.

Adjusting Plan

Adjusting customer to sales conversion, gross margin and operating profit will help you to set the best settings to estimate an optimal level of net sales and gross margin

Review EBIT-Operating Profit will help you to estimate Detailed Operating Profit in a realistic data-driven manner and outline business profitability before taxation

Investment amounts section will help you to make assumptions on Total level of pre-opening funds and investments needed for business opening


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